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Ads That Grab My Attention

The commercials that would grab my attention and be the most memorable were the ones that got me to laugh. That's why the Super Bowl commercials were such a big deal to me and my family. We would be excited for which new commercials would be funny.

One commercial that always was in the back of my head was the Career Builder commercial from Super Bowl 45:

Another commercial that I would look up to have a good laugh was the Heineken "Beer Closet" commercials:

Finally, a series of commercials that always got my attention were the "This is SportsCenter" commercials that would air on ESPN or any of their sister networks. They would usually feature a well-known athlete from the time it was made, or a mascot of professional and/or college teams.

There are plenty of other from this commercial series that I can put in, but don't have time for.

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Mar 23, 2021

@ewunverz I completely agree payton menning is not a team player so why should we ever discuss team achievements when we talk about him. he consistently spent time OFF the field away from "his" team making commercials and playing paddy-cake with whatever sponsor would pay him. HGH is pretty expensive so it makes sense. could he sling it, sure. did he win a few M(e)VPs, yeah what of it. At the end of the day if you want to crown him, then crown his @$$, but buddy youre going to need one hell of a crown to fit that fivehead of his. legend has it, he used to draw plays in the huddle on that thing!

Mar 24, 2021
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That’s cute was that when she was consoling You and explaining that she was technically your grandma now because since me and your mom Got together I’m legally your dad? Put the pot down son, you’re grounded.


Mar 23, 2021

Peyton Manning is by FAR the greatest quarterback to ever lace 'em up. You wanna talk about rings? That's a TEAM achievement and is undeniably the mark of reaching the pinnacle of God's greatest game. But, as anyone that's ever watched a football game should know, quarterback wins are a meaningless stat insofar as judging an individual quarterback's performance. So setting aside the fact that Peyton has a winning record against Tom Brady in the playoffs, you know what's a better measure: MVP's - Peyton has 5 of those. That's my goat.

Mar 24, 2021
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Only thing that’s dumb is that somehow your head stays attached to your neck ya frickin idiot

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