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  • jackcarey6

Social Media Diary

Viewing my weekly screen time statistics on my iPhone I was quite surprised by the amount of time I spend just looking at my phone. Last week, January 24-January 30, I averaged 7 hours and 3 minutes per day on my phone. Of the total time spent looking at my phone I spend a total of 25 hours and 49 minutes on social media apps. I was quite surprised that I spend that much time on my phone, and to make sure that this week of statistics was consistent with what I normally do. I compared it to the week prior, which was January 17-January 24, I only averaged 4 hours and 35 minutes of screen time per day. Total time spent on social media for that week was only 12 hours and 57 minutes. My total screen time and social media use doubled over the course of one week. This could be due to classes starting again last week and me having more downtime between classes to look at my phone when waiting for the next class to start.

Looking at the apps I used the most during the course of the last week, the top of the list were TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter. TikTok led the way with 5 hours and 56 minutes of total screen time, Instagram was in second with 4 hours and 29 minutes of social media time, Snapchat just behind that with 4 hours and 22 minutes of screen time, and lastly was twitter with just under 4 hours of screen time. The time I use social media seems to be almost in a routine with my day. I would wake up and immediately start checking my social media apps, during the day the time would drop dramatically, and towards the night time I would again start checking social media apps much more.

The time I spend on social media has become a concern of me after viewing all these numbers. I use theses social media apps as a source of entertainment during the day. Especially TikTok and instagram where I go and look at videos of hunting, video games, and other such activities that interest me. I check these apps when I'm bored and want to occupy my mind on something other than work or school for a short period of time. Tracking my use of social media over the last weeks made me realize how often I use social media through the course of an average day.

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